Rachel Micheletti
An Ode to the FUPA*
*and other parts of us we need to be grateful for
Ask Rachel Column
Hey you, welcome to my little corner! Every month, I’ll be answering all your questions in this very special Curvicality Column, Ask Rachel. Got a question to submit? You can submit it here. Photo by Jose Pagan
Humor: The Zoom Rules (How to Make Sure You Still Have a Job When You Are Allowed to Return to Work)
Six months ago, the majority of us had never had a single meeting online for anything. And in the matter of two weeks, online meetings became as ubiquitous as making coffee or brushing our teeth when we get up in the morning.
(Self) Love in a Time of Quarantine
WTF. I didn’t know how else to start this, to be honest. In January and February, I was really feeling like things were coming together, like the seeds I had planted and nourished and cared for were all of a sudden blooming. And then March said to the world NOT SO FAST.
Rachel Micheletti: Reclaim, Unchain, Reframe … Taking Back Your Power
Think back to the first time another person took the time to make you feel that you were not of value because of your body shape or size. That you had less worth than someone else. That you were not beautiful or important or meaningful. That you didn’t deserve to take up your space.