I have agreed to take on the very precious task of bringing awareness to the world’s fun-size, cute but often overlooked population. The PETITE plus-size woman to be exact! Look forward to learning about the world through the eyes of a Petite Plus woman. I’ll touch on topics such as: fashion, health, dating, entertainment and so much more.
Petite Plus: What is it?
Finding the definition of what petite plus is has been quite challenging actually. It’s rather easy to find the definition of the words separately… but together? Impossible. Well, let me throw my two cents in and try my best to give you an idea of what petite plus really is. MY understanding, curvy and what not, these would be the girls who would wear your large and or XL and up sizes. Notice I didn’t say anything about weight. When you’re 5’3 and under, weight can be tricky. You could weigh the same as someone who is 5’5-5’6 and they wouldn’t be looked at as “plus-size.”
So what does petite plus look like… me lol. No really, it’s me and these other beauties.

These are just SOME of the beautiful petite plus women that exist.

Let’s take the word petite.
According to my good friend Google, it means attractively small and dainty. The hell? I don’t even want to think what it means to be attractively small. In my opinion, that’s a terrible definition! So does this mean at some point you hit unattractively small? Too short? Too tall? It’s giving confusion and downright body shaming vibes. I say there’s no height or size too short, small, big or tall that is deemed as unattractive. But these definitions do exist unfortunately and it makes those of us that don’t quite know where we fit in feel…left out and maybe even problematic.
Society has given us the message that in order to be beautiful there is a mold you must fit.
If you are short, then you MUST be skinny or not weigh over a certain number. It’s like society is saying look, you’re already short! You can’t be short AND plus size. Pick one. Don’t take up too much space. Well I call B.S. Take up space boo! You’re short and thick and fabulous! You don’t have to fit in a certain category, make your own!
Ok and?!
Well the idea of all this is to bring awareness! Show off! Give tips! Spread encouraging words to all the pint size curvy divas out there! We see you! We love you! With that being said, I really hope you enjoy this column dedicated to you and all those looking to learn a thing or two about loving on and styling the petite plus body!