Our Founder, Mary Beth Cooper
Welcome to the world of Curvicality: a magazine – and community – for curvy, plus-size women.
It’s hot as (meat)balls in my kitchen right now. I love to cook, but I do not love to sweat. That means I spend as little time as I can at the stove. It’s salad time, and before I lose you, let me reassure you that I’m not talking about the boring little piles of iceberg lettuce you may have subsisted on during past diets.
Yes, we know: It’s really Irish Soda Bread. But once it’s done, we suggest you cut yourself several nice thick pieces, butter then with Irish butter (yes, it’s worth the extra cost!) and sit back on your sofa and enjoy your carbs.
We have nothing against onion dip, we swear. But just as advertisers pull out all the stops for Super Bowl ads, we think it’s time to pull out all the stops for Super Bowl dips.
Here is where the yummy goodness magic happens!
If you like to cook at all — and maybe even if you don’t — you probably have at least one dish you make every year for holiday dinners. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving/Christmas/other holiday your family celebrates without it. For me, that dish would be chicken and noodles.
When I was a little girl, Christmas morning breakfast was not a thing at all. Christmas morning was a time for racing to the tree to examine all the new loot. I cannot even remember if we ate breakfast.