comparing your body

Breaking the Stigma of Body Image. - Curvicality magazine

What’s Wrong With Me? Breaking the Stigma

What’s wrong with me? Do I really look like this? Is my stomach really that big? Why are pants so tight. Uuggghhhh, I need to lose weight. I’m sure we’ve all said these things out of our mouths.

For Our Readers Who Have Really Poor Body Image:  The Pity Party You Need to Allow Yourself to Have - curvicality Magazine

Letter from the Editor: Why You Need a Body Image Pity Party

If you’re looking for a pity party, you’ve come to the right place. Come on in and grab a glass of wine. In fact, grab a bottle and tell me exactly why your body sucks. 

Tooting While Dating: The Definitive Guide We All Secretly Need - Curvicality magazine

Tooting While Dating: The Definitive Guide We All Secretly Need

Today, we must discuss one of the leading problems of our time: What to do about the fact that even though we all toot and we all know that we all toot, dating etiquette demands we take heroic measures to give the impression that we don’t? (Or poop, but that’s another column. I’ll get to it later. Hold it until then.)

Comparing your Body - Curvicality - where your curves are an asset

Constantly Comparing Your Body? Here’s How I Stopped…

Are you struggling to stop comparing your body to the bodies of your thinner friends?