living a body-positive life

plus-size modeling

Keeping a Body Positive Attitude as a New Plus-Size Model

“You’re so tall. You should definitely model!” 

Fierceness is Optional -Michelle Meuller Teheux

Fierceness is Optional

Are you a badass? Are you sassy, loud and proud? Are you fierce? 

Body Positive Image -Carmen My Body Isn't Flawed Your Thinking Is - Curvicality Magazine

Body Positive: A Hijacked  Movement

Do you feel underrepresented and judged based on your size, race, how you identify or due to a disability? If so, the body positive movement was created for you! 

body positive life - paige Fieldsted - curvicality Magazine

Living a Body Positive Life — How I Practice What I Preach 

So you’ve finally figured out how to love your body, or at the very least be at peace with it. Now what?