plus-size burlesque

PLus Size Burlesque LaChina in black dress

Red Hot: S.O.P.H.A.T. Plus-Size Burlesque is So Fine

The sultry art of burlesque is for everyone. Just ask dancer LaChina Jones-Kariem, founder of the plus-size burlesque troupe S.O.P.H.A.T.

Rachel Micheletti

Influencer Spotlight: Rachel Micheletti

If you ask Rachel Micheletti the meaning of life, she’ll say: “The meaning of life is looking for magic everywhere and making it yourself where there is none.” Photos by Jose Pagan.

Rachael Micheletti Burlesque - Curvicality Magazine

Columnist Rachel Micheletti: Burlesque – Get Naked and Dance!

If you had asked my 25-year-old self if I could see a future in which I would take my clothes off in front of a live audience (on purpose!) I would have probably laughed, or maybe cried, and walked away quickly.