I’ve always been bigger.
So with clothes and society, you just see all these things pushed in your face, and it deters you from basically wanting your own style. It can be very easy to tell someone else “rock it, wear it,” but if you’re not comfortable with yourself, that takes a lot of work.
The beauty standard is changing and it’s about time. In patterns, my mom would always complain that they would make floral patterns and not necessarily anything that’s sexy. Now, there is more than just your mother’s old-school look on the market. They make every sexy style you could imagine for our bodies.
Editor’s Note:
I’ve been asking Curvicality Facebook followers what body positivity means to them.
Do you want to share what body positivity means to you?
Email me: Marybeth@curvicality.com.
I am a strong, beautiful, curvy unicorn… and I LOVE IT!
It may not always be easy, but celebrate your curves and your uniqueness. Rock out that fashion you dream of.
When it comes down to it, I think body positivity should focus on building others up instead of tearing them down. If you wanna rock a crop top, DO IT, QUEENS! Do what makes YOU feel sexy and confident for YOU and no one else. Don’t let anyone dim your shine.

My name is Brittney.
I’m 34- years-old and I’m married with two kids who are on the spectrum. My daughter also has type 1 diabetes. I’m a stay-at-home caregiver for them, so I live a high stress life.
One of the ways I cope is by observing makeup technique and practicing makeup on myself. I started doing this about three years ago. It was a creative outlet for me. In a way, the actual doing of the makeup, it kind of zens you out.
I’ve recently also combined that with doing plus-size shopping try-on hauls on some of my lives on Facebook. Social media has been a way for me to connect with other autism moms and makeup enthusiasts.
It’s also a way for me to connect with my curvy girls and show them how plus-size clothes fit on a real plus-size body. It’s definitely EMPOWERING! Even I am still trying to branch out into crop tops and new colors. I’m hoping that someone who is uncertain will see it and realize they can do the same.