Ro’Yale: Pandemic Stress? Pause and Delete for Your Own Sake!

RO YALE - Da Queen of Curves - Curvicality Magazine
I find it harder and harder to pick up my phone and indulge in my usual pleasures of Facebook and Instagram shenanigans on my newsfeed lately. I mean dang, 2020 has been a totally BIOTCH, all gas and no breaks from devastating news so far. 

With the recent development of the novel coronavirus, it has given an even larger platform to negativity since people are social distancing at home. It can be a lot to bear, especially when all you see on your feed are mounds and mounds of the same decadent information continuing to chew away at your soul. It can make you feel sad, hopeless and that there may be no way out anytime soon. Those of you who suffer from anxiety and depression at times, like me, really need to take action to make sure we protect ourselves.

COVID: Not a Joke

If there is one thing I have learned about this COVID-19 experience, it is who to pause or delete from my friends list and my life. For me, “funny” COVID-19 memes are constant reminders of someone I lost within the last two months. My loved one and others were not comforted by any family member. They died alone. There was no traditional funeral. You were lucky if there was a livestream available as funeral homes do as much as possible to turn their service practices into something memorable for clients.

Yet, some of those whose families have not been harmed by COVID-19 take elation in posting jokes about the state of this pandemic up and down their timeline for people. I mean, if you can’t act right during a pandemic, you have to go.

Another nail in my side are the fake and false news stories and unscientific “facts.” Who has time for that? Not me. Not at all. We are all a few finger taps away from accessing basic information, so why do other people feel the need to be the first to post misleading/false information without doing any research? 

Don’t Waste My Time: Fact Check

For me, it wastes my time because I am definitely going to fact check it. It boils my blood when people post from a non-credible news source. Sheesh. And mind you, it’s not that hard to check whether the information you’re sharing is correct.

Is it too much to ask during a pandemic for people to be more responsible? That all depends on you and your personal feelings toward that person, because during this unprecedented time, the most important thing to worry about is yourself, not only physically, but mentally. 

You can assume that the manner in which they decide to use their social media platform rates their current stress level for what is going on at this time in their lives and whether they are taking it seriously or not. Everyone can absolutely post whatever they want on their page. You and I don’t have to be a part of anyone’s nonsense, insensitive posts or inaccurate information. 

You have a responsibility to yourself. I have been deleting and taking a break on folks on Facebook left and right whether they are a Da Queen of Curves fan or relative. I am so OK with this because I am protecting myself from the madness around me so when this is all over, I can come out swinging all in one piece.

You may want to take these steps to keep your soul at peace and NOT pieces:

Step No. 1:

Take a Break/Delete Friend: If someone you care about is not in the same alignment with your opinion or heart, it’s OK to take a break from them. Go right ahead and free yourself.

Step No. 2:

Take accountability: What are you doing to contribute to feeding your soul such garbage? Use social media to find ways to improve yourself. Why not try to learn something new? You could learn a new simple skill, i.e. cook a simple meal with three ingredients, put on eyelashes, learn to contour, learn to paint nails properly, learn three basic twerk moves, learn to organize your bathroom or closet, research self-help skills to become a more confident person, learn to cut up an old T-shirt with some pizazz or learn some cleaning hacks. All this can be found at your fingertips on social media to level up yourself as a person.

Step No. 3:

Don’t be in the audience: Take a 30-day break or more from social media. You are not missing anything right now. As a matter of fact, you may never get this opportunity again in your lifetime, to take out the necessary time to gain clarity of mind, body and soul. Use this time to clean or arrange your space, take a safe walk around the neighborhood, meditate, learn calming breathing techniques, do some yoga or more importantly go back and read ALL the Curvicality magazine articles and column features.

No one knows the long-term effects of how the COVID-19 pandemic will have us interacting with others in the future or what mental inhibitions we will see later in life, but if we continue to fill ourselves with extremely positive vibes you and I will equip ourselves with the tools necessary to be able come out on top stronger than ever if and when that time arrives.

About Ro’Yale: Ro’Yale is a plus-size pole fit instructor and YouTube sensation based out of Atlanta, Georgia. She loves fitness, competing in pole-fit competitions, catching up with her college-aged daughter and playing cards. Her goal is to inspire all women around the world to feel sexy in the skin they’re in. Follow her on Instagram @daqueeonofcurves or on Facebook at Ro’Yale aka Da Queen of Curves.

Have you deleted or paused any friends on social media? Or have you taken a vacation from your newsfeed? How did that work for you? Please share your story in the comments!


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