Stop Hating Your Body

Curvicality Body Love - How-to and inspirational articles on loving your plus-size body just as it is.
Do you need help silencing your inner critic? In a time of selfies and social media, maintaining a positive body image is crucial.

If you find yourself reflexively saying things like, “I hate my body” when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or see a picture of yourself, there are things you can do to improve your body image and stop hating your body.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Go over your social media feed. Maybe there are Instagram posts that feed your poor body image. If so, unfollow. Look for body-positive bloggers and Instagram influencers to follow. You can start with Curvicality!

Be an Example to Others

Fake it until you make it. If you have been avoiding posting pictures until you reach some arbitrary weight loss goal, re-think that. Post pictures that highlight your happy smile or show you having fun with friends. You will never know when your pictures inspire another woman to love her own body — just as you love your body.

Silence Your Inner Critic and Stop the Self-Shaming

Some women are afraid to post pictures of themselves or to show up at the beach in a bikini or to wear an outfit that they think is really only meant for women with thinner bodies. However, in most cases, your worst critic is your own inner critic. Stop the self-shaming. Self-confidence is one of the sexiest and most attractive qualities anyone can have. If you genuinely feel good about yourself, that will show to everyone. But the opposite is also true: If you feel negative about yourself, that will show to everyone, too. 

It’s Your Body — Stop Hating Your Body — Own It!

Nobody has a perfect body and nobody loves every single part of our bodies. And that’s OK. You may love your bouncy breasts but not your bountiful booty. You may know you have beautiful eyes but wish your lips were fuller. You might love your hair color but hate your most recent haircut (especially if you cut it yourself: #coronahair is a thing!) It doesn’t matter. If you have some body parts you favor over others, fine. Your self-development can be a work in progress. We doubt even supermodels have perfect self-esteem. It’s enough to accept that this is your body, and to love the whole even if there are a few parts you love a little less.

Have you learned to love your body? Share your feelings in the comments below:


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