Mixed-Up YouTube Star Thinks His Opinion About A Gorgeous Plus-Sized Model Matters
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but one famous trouble-maker believes it’s a matter of science — and politics.
The Ten Stupidest Diets Ever
Don’t you envy people who lived in the distant past, who ate whatever was available without thinking too much about it?
Rachel Micheletti: Reclaim, Unchain, Reframe … Taking Back Your Power
Think back to the first time another person took the time to make you feel that you were not of value because of your body shape or size. That you had less worth than someone else. That you were not beautiful or important or meaningful. That you didn’t deserve to take up your space.
Yes, Plenty of Thin Guys Love Plus-Size Chicks
Lots and lots of plus-sized ladies and thin guys are madly in love with each, and vice-versa. Like beauty, love has no size.
Easy Super Bowl Dip Recipes: We Turned Every Favorite Food Into a Dip
We have nothing against onion dip, we swear. But just as advertisers pull out all the stops for Super Bowl ads, we think it’s time to pull out all the stops for Super Bowl dips.
Why Body-Based Compliments are Harmful and What You Can Say Instead
Why Body-Based Compliments Are Harmful and What You Can Say Instead
Eating Thanksgiving Dinner with Judgy Folks
If you’re a plus-size gal, you may have Thanksgiving misgivings.