January 2020
Heather Nelson: Living Her Dreams Until the End
All of us at Curvicality were saddened to learn of the sudden death of Heather A. Nelson this month. Before she died, she wrote this essay, which we share here as a remembrance of her. We offer our deepest condolences to all who knew and loved her. You can leave a kind comment for her loved ones. (We’ve included a link to her obituary at the bottom of this article.)
Curvicality’s Fitness Columnist LP’s Top Tips for Finding the Perfect Personal Trainer
As a personal trainer, I hear the same question all the time: “LP, What should I look for when I’m shopping for a trainer in my area?”
6 Tips to Do This Whole New Relationship Thing Right
I really like you! Now I want to change everything about you!
Amanda LaCount Column: Bikinis Are For You, Too!
I recently took a trip to Hawaii and was amazed at how many women of all sizes were wearing two-piece swimsuits.
We Tried It: Dia & Co.
Remember the first time you “matched” with someone you thought would be the perfect date? He (or she) was the one. That is, until you actually came face to face … only to find that “self-employed” meant spending days playing video games in his parents’ basement.
How I Started As A Plus-Size Model – Q & A With Our Cover Model Sheila Lopez
We wanted to hear the latest from February cover model Sheila Lopez, so we reached out with some questions. Lopez is a rising Latina model and influencer with a keen interest in body positivity and social and economic justice for women in general and women of color in particular. Here’s what she had to say!
When Your Vagina is a Lot Like A Tractor
A friend is beginning a relationship that has all the markings of True Love. She’s been celibate for an extended period of time (there are probably nuns with a more active sex life than she’s had in recent years) and she’s perimenopausal. Thus, she’s afraid that things might not work right down there, if you catch my drift.
Tooting While Dating: The Definitive Guide We All Secretly Need
Today, we must discuss one of the leading problems of our time: What to do about the fact that even though we all toot and we all know that we all toot, dating etiquette demands we take heroic measures to give the impression that we don’t? (Or poop, but that’s another column. I’ll get to it later. Hold it until then.)