Our Founder, Mary Beth Cooper
Welcome to the world of Curvicality: a magazine – and community – for curvy, plus-size women.
If you’re a group fitness enthusiast, you know you crave that energy you get in a live class. It’s a mental high. But what happens when your schedule is too wonky to fit in gym classes?
Mirna Valerio is one hell of an accomplished athlete. She’s completed 10 ultramarathons and nine marathons. She was also a National Geographic 2018 Adventurer of the Year, is sponsored by some pretty awesome sports companies and has written a book.
If you run, work out, do CrossFit, bicycle, or do other exercise but still don’t consider yourself an athlete simply because you are curvy instead of slim, I understand. I was that person. But I learned that we are all athletes, no matter our size or weight.
Proper squat form can seem complex. But think of it like this. We do squats on an everyday basis without even realizing it. When you sit down and stand up, you’ve just completed one squat, right?
Pole fitness is all the rage. But what about plus-size pole fitness?
(And yes, there’s a free WERQ fitness workout at the end of this article!) Looking to take your workout routine to the next level? In the words of RuPaul, “you better work.” Or, shall we say, WERQ™!
It’s something most fitness enthusiasts have experienced. Snap, crackle, pop; something just doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s a knee injury from running, a painful hip from a wrongfully executed yoga move, or a shoulder injury from an awkward shoulder press.
Want to run for your first 5K but not sure how to start? We talked to Joy Tribble, founder of The Plus Strut™ (America’s very first race of its kind) to find out exactly how to train. And boy, did she tell us a lot.
The Curvy Kili Crew consisted of women of all ages, shapes and sizes. However, they all shared one common goal: They wanted to scale Mt. Kilimanjaro as a team. And they would do just that.