Kennette Rawls (above)
My name is Kennette Rawls from Virginia. Self-love is one of my biggest aspirations. For we are perfectly design by God! No matter what life throws at us remember you’re Perfectly Design by the most high God! No matter your body size, shape or curves. You’re perfectly beautifully design. Remember we all have a purpose. Remember to love yourself no matter what & never give up on you!
We asked you to share your favorite pictures and body-positive advice
on Facebook. Here’s what you said!
– Mary Beth Cooper, Editor and Founder

Terri Fox Murray
Psalms 139:13-14 TPT: You formed my innermost being, shaping my “delicate” inside and my “intricate” outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! My positivity and security is in Him and His love for me.

Paige Fieldsted Hoffman
You only get one life and one body, are you really going to spend it at war with yourself? Life is meant to be lived, right now, no matter what size or shape you are.

KJ Peeples
“One spark of confidence can ignite a firestorm of fierce!” This has been my mantra every since I decided I wanted to become a model. Being confident in front of people is a do-it-downright-scared experience, but loving yourself enough to showcase it is absolutely powerful. Once you make the decision to tap into your confidence, you will find a simple, but yet beautiful freedom that will continue to draw you in.
Someone needs your strength to step out of the box. We are connected more than we can imagine. Tap in sis … we are here for you!

Ashley Shanice Howell
Be authentically you. Your skin, your curves, your imperfections mold a beautiful being. Embrace it. “When one wins, we all win.”

Ashley Reneè
Self-love is the best kind of love and that’s because it not only allows you to gain more for yourself (which is so beautiful and powerful) but it also allows you to attract more into your life from others. Love is a high vibration that is magnetic and your change in energy will attract those of a similar energy to you. Wtbs: LOVE EVERY INCH YOU WERE BORN WITH!
~ America’s Top Plus Model

Ashley Kneip
My name is Ashley. I’m a 37-year-old bartender who happens to be “plus size” or bonus sized if you will. Even though I work against odds such as “she’s too old” or “too big” to bartend I kick booty every weekend.

LaChina Jones-Kariem
My imperfectly perfect body is my Superpower. Every roll, stretch mark, cellulite and blemish was divinely made and chosen for me. Embrace what you have because no one else owns it like you!!! — Photo: Jose Pagãn

Andrea White
I have always been the plus size girl amongst my friends. It never bothered me. Why? Because I knew my size didn’t define me as a person. I knew that who I was as a person defined me more than my exterior. I love my curves, bumps, hips, and even my fluff. This is who I am. This is where I am at now, 46 and curvy, fluffy, imperfect. I don’t care what people may say about me. As long as I am happy and my self-confidence can rub off on someone else, I am happy.

LaTonya SpaTes
Never water yourself down for anybody who can’t receive all you have to offer at 100 percent. Love and embrace yourself and who God has made you to be unapologetically. Dare to be different and change the world by uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging the next woman to do the same. No one can love you better than you and God. Continue to step outside of the box and stand out defying society’s standards. You are beautiful no matter what your size is.

Annie McCorvey Bateman
Self-love cannot be attained in a day. It‘s a process. When you’re finally at that level for yourself, your future can begin. It means you can do, or say, even wear, whatever you want, without second guessing yourself. I am almost there… it gets better. —Photo credit: Abbott Photography

Rachel Micheletti
Our bodies are so much more than large or small, fat or thin, slender or round. Our bodies are the divine spaces which house our very beings, tenderly and gently, our minds, our hearts, our souls. They allow us to give love and receive love. They hold power in times of celebration and in times of pain. In exactly the shape we are in at this moment our bodies are miraculous and worthy and valuable. How would it feel in this instant if we treated our bodies as our best friends? Surely our bodies would breathe a sign of relief in finally experiencing the love they have so deserved. Take a moment to say I love you, I am grateful for you, you deserve joy, I am you and you are me. Let’s live our best life together, exactly as we are, in grace and appreciation.

Jana Francine
My body is sacred and I’m to love it no matter what! I have extra rolls, a belly, big thighs and extra fluff. Whatever the case may be, I love the person I am. I’m going to change the way people see beauty and continue to set my own standards!

Erin Spooner
I have been plus size since I can remember. I have been self conscience about my body and still have those moments when I look at the rolls in a disapproving way. However through my journey to get healthy, not only physically but also mentally, I have learned the true meaning of self love. Self-love has nothing to do with the physical, rather it has to do with your own self-reflection mentally. Whether you’re a size 2 or 22, women will find something they criticize because that is what our society does. So why not embrace your own [self] and enjoy life.

Katrinia Freeman
Love yourself and your body freely. Accept the beautiful way you were created and flaunt it. You aren’t living for others. Live for you and own it unapologetically. – Kat

Cindy Thompson
Always remember that it doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters how you feel. Stop trying to be someone else and learn to be the best YOU! Embrace what you have and who you are — embrace your uniqueness. Most of all — have fun! #selflove #iamgreat #bodylove #enjoylife

Brittany Washington
My best body positive advice is to tune out others. Love your body as it is today and don’t hate it because of what you want it to be tomorrow.

LaPrincess Blessed’nFavored Adams
My name is LaPrincess and I’m 34-years-old. It has taken me a long time to understand body positivity, but I finally understand. No one will love and care for you how you will love and care for yourself. Loving yourself means forgiving yourself for things. Loving yourself is seeing yourself as God sees you. Loving yourself requires an inner strength that you can only find by spending time with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Always do things that make you happy. Pray and stay encouraged because God made you wonderful and perfect in your own right.

Felanese Luvnvrfails Gordon
I am a rare jewel to be treasured. My curves are a sign of wealth. I love every part of me and on days that I doubt, I quickly remind myself of the QUEEN that I truly am.

Hardworking Nicolia
Love the body you’re given: Just grateful to be alive and beautiful!

Regimia Speaks-Love
IG: @model_regimia FB: Regimia the Plus Size Model
I am an authentic version of God’s creation. We have been fat shamed from the beginning. However, we are taking back all of the labels and embracing it. I chose this photo because it shows the authenticity of my beautiful so-called flaws. Embracing the creator’s creation. Like Beyoncé said, “people say they were made.” I like to think that I was created for a special purpose! Unapologetically Regimia!

Valarie Eisler Autry
Be bold in your skin. Love yourself as you are now. Your body has brought you this far so be proud of it!

Stephanie Michele Davis
It took me a long time to not only love my reflection, but to truly love the person staring back at me in the mirror. Me. When you truly get to know yourself for who you are and accept your flaws. It is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. People may come and go, some may love you and yes there are some that may downright hate you, but NO ONE can take away the love that you have for yourself. Self-love is priceless and by far the best gift that you can give yourself.

Faye Atwater
FB: Faye Atwater
IG: @alwaysfullfiguredfabulous
I’m not defined by my size. I’m the beautiful entity of my mind, heart and soul. They are immensely able to love and have empathy for others. I’ve been a size advocate and model for 20+ years. Former 2016 American Beauties Plus National Woman Queen.

Tina Benbow
Love your body! No matter the rolls, stretch marks or dimples. Your weight does not define you, beauty is skin deep. So flaunt what you’ve got and don’t ever stop!