We asked for your brightest smile and the reasons (not weight-related) that you are grateful as we start this new decade. If you want to feel lifted up and see the many ways people find to be grateful in spite of the cards life has dealt them, read on!
We know that we can all use more gratitude in our lives!
Our Cover Model: Natasha Whitefield
“Grateful for my husband and his endless support!”
We were sooooo moved by these:
Cissy Childs

Andrea Wert

Cheryl A. Porter

Madison Sky Jones



Annette Stieffenhofer Foster


Chasity Hope Darnell


Jackie Phillips-Helton


Many of us expressed gratitude for family and children:
Shannan Jessee Steele

Angie Seggerman

Ashley Garmong

Leah Thys

Lura Alger

Jacquelyn Brown

Amy DisedareDozar

Kasey Richelle Miller

Karen Grace Steward

Megan Naughton Hodges

Chynna Smyser

Vanessa Erin Marcum


Cece Fitz

Tracy Huddleston

Joyce Hajvert Goeman

Mary Mahaney

Angie Mcjunkin

Ashley Walker

Ashley Taylor-Wrightson

Beverly Schmidt Squitire

Jamie Wambaja

Trish Fritz-Howe

Tracey Michele

Heather Churchwell

Toyka Johnson

Some of us were grateful for professional advances:
Bianca Dodson-Gregory

Katrinia Freeman

Angie Peng

Tina Tisdale

Amber Hair

Christena Warner

Amanda LeBouef

Breanna Patterson


Beverly Lehman Brady

We struggled with depression, PTSD and other mental illnesses, but still we found a space for gratitude:
Jessica LouAnn

Monica Marie

Jessica Vess Greene

Cassie Sheets

“I am thankful for 2020 because 2019 was the worst year I’ve ever had. I battled depression and suicidal thoughts and no one seemed to notice. I have found a new me and I am much happier now. My soul just feels happy again. I’m grateful for my husband for being there and talking me through the worst times of my life. When I say the worst, I mean I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to feel what I felt. Seriously. I can attach a picture of me when I hit rock bottom. I’m making a promo to myself to NEVER EVER let anyone or anything make me like that again. To go through what I’ve been through and to find a new me is so much more than any gift. I just want to share my story, not really to win anything. Thanks for reading! Hello 2020!”
Ashley Augspurger

Joann Karon

Tina M Carroll

Amber Bascovsky

We escaped abusive relationships. Go us!!

Sam Marie

Mindy Klein

We are marrying wonderful men. Life is good.
Megan Mersereau

Amanda R Criner

Hannah Bear

We are grateful for fresh starts and lessons learned.
Cynthia Rushing

Kit Cat

Jill Cross Jasper

Evelyn Ceballos

Lisa Delamater Bentley

Stacy R Patterson

Whitney Nichole White

Victoria Victoria Victoria

Katherine Daum

M'Lisa Elgin

Samantha Turner

We are grateful for a higher power.
Paula Rogers

Amy Marie

Jeannette Jurado

Kimmy Jo

Michele Krones-Caldwell

Lori Blume Long

Cassandra Mans

Belinda Hallman



We are grateful for finding ourselves, being who we are ... at last, and living an authentic life.
Heather Berry

Amber Emerick

Brittany Sonderman

Van Jones

Abbee Dobyns

Linda B. Seidel-Payton
“I am grateful for finally accepting myself as being perfectly imperfect. I am comfortable being me. What I will teach myself and others in 2020 is that we are WORTHY!”
We are thankful for our Moms and Grandmothers.
Aurora Elizabeth McBride

Tabitha Rhae

Nicolette Kimberling

Vicki Calvert

We are grateful for cupcakes ... always for cupcakes.
But our gratitude doesn't stop there.
Plowdeniz Honika

We are grateful for ourselves, our independence and our ability to celebrate ourselves.
Ashley Yvonne Stone

Melba Griggs Todd

Rhenitha LivingFree Johnson

DustinCrystal Berwick

Leslie Ann Powers

Ta-Mekala Wilks

Naomi Faye

Mary Totten

We are overflowing with gratitude for friends, family and so much more.
Kristina Isherwood

Kali Rodgers

Joy Smith

Casey Lynn

Lauren Brianne Worthley

Amy Marksheffel Balenzano

Kate Templeton

LaVonda Dulaney

Cindy Thompson

Brenna MC

Cindy Hunsinger Dobash

Jackie Vermillion


Lesly Moreno


Daphne Pursley

Lorene Miller

Michelle Mathews

We are grateful to be role models ... and to have role models.
Andrea Parker

Jameelah Richey

We express gratitude for new life.
Debbie Ryan

Christina Ann Moxey

We are grateful for everything.
Nichole Siegle

“I’m grateful for everything.” ❤ – Nichole Siegle
Donna Wicks

Isabelle Skinner

Allison Brombach

Brittany Preece

We are grateful for our health.
Carrie Jean Hendrix



Courtney Fulton


We are grateful for happiness, hair and more.
Sara Smith

Nieshea Bland

Saundra Simpson

Amber Edwards

Joanna Jackson

Jenna Consiglio

Chloé Brown

Jennifer Turner

Lara K. Barber

Kaysie Smaltz

Our gratitude is unending.
Angelia Heldreth

Lola LoCz

Kelly Keen Burns
“I’m thankful that I’m alive. Eleven years ago I lost my dad and mom to a house fire. They both died, so it was my older sister, younger sister, and me who survived. Then on October 3, 2019, I lost my older sister to heart failure at 49. Hurts me so bad. I’m lost without her. So it’s just me and my little sister left in the family. I hope 2020 will be better for us.”
Cheryl Farrier

Amanda Dotter

Diania Croy
“I am thankful for my daughter’s successful brain surgery last year. She has many daily challenges, but she gets through them. She has returned to work! She has found love this year. Love knows NO sizes! Love this page.”
Morgan J Hart