plus-sized sex

when your vagina is like an old tractor - Curvicality Magazine

When Your Vagina is a Lot Like A Tractor

A friend is beginning a relationship that has all the markings of True Love. She’s been celibate for an extended period of time (there are probably nuns with a more active sex life than she’s had in recent years) and she’s perimenopausal. Thus, she’s afraid that things might not work right down there, if you catch my drift. 

The Curvicality Guide to HIbernation Sex - Curvicality magazine - Sophia Sinclair

Brrrrring on the Hibernation Sex

Baby, it’s cold outside. Or at least, it is where I am. Perhaps you are sitting poolside in southern Florida or another warm location as you read this; if so, up yours. The rest of us are cold and miserable and we do not like you.