December 2019

Kandis Draw - play dress up - find your plus-size personal style - Curvicality magazine

Kandis Draw: Play Dress Up; Find Your Style

Did you ever play dress up?

holiday dresses - Curvicality Magazine

Curvicality’s Top Picks for Holiday Dresses

Be ready to walk – shimmy – or slide – into the spotlight this holiday with one of these body-flattering, fashion-forward looks.

Ro'Yale - Da Queen of Curves - Curvicality magazine

Meet Ro’Yale, The Plus-Size Pole-Fit Instructor with More Than 60 Million Views

There once was a young mom/wife in Atlanta who was about to turn 30. Like countless other women facing milestone birthdays, she found herself experiencing a range of emotions, deeply desiring a reconnection with herself.  

L.P. Curvicality Fitness Expert - squats and lunges for beginners - Curvicality Magazine

Squats and Lunges for Beginners

Proper squat form can seem complex. But think of it like this. We do squats on an everyday basis without even realizing it. When you sit down and stand up, you’ve just completed one squat, right? 

Why Body-Based Compliments are Harmful - curvicality magazine

Why Body-Based Compliments are Harmful and What You Can Say Instead

Why Body-Based Compliments Are Harmful and What You Can Say Instead

Peloton Ad - People Really Hate That Peloton Ad - This is What They Got Wrong -Curvicality Magazine

What Everyone Is Getting Wrong About That Peloton Ad

It’s the ad everyone’s talking about. “Grace” receives a bike as a Christmas gift from her husband and rides it faithfully for the whole year. The key phrase comes at the end of the ad, when she says, “A year ago, I didn’t realize how much this would change me.”