celebrating our bodies
Did Lizzo Ask You for Your Opinion, Jillian Michaels?
Jillian Michaels has been shredded by the public for her criticism of Lizzo’s weight, and rightly so.
The Fat Acceptance Movement … Have We Gone Too Far?
No. The answer is no. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get into what exactly this movement is.
Body Love? It Doesn’t Start with His Opinion
I talk to women about their bodies all day long. In the process, I hear a recurring comment: “He (or she) really loves my body.”
My Body Confidence Written In Ink
I remember the sentence so clearly. It was directed at me — a fat girl who had been audacious enough to wear a tank top on a very hot day. “That’s weird, I didn’t know people could get stretch marks on their arms.”
Columnist Rachel Micheletti: Burlesque – Get Naked and Dance!
If you had asked my 25-year-old self if I could see a future in which I would take my clothes off in front of a live audience (on purpose!) I would have probably laughed, or maybe cried, and walked away quickly.
How Torrid Helped Improve My Body Image
Sometimes, you find body love in the least expected places.
Letter from the Editor: Why You Need a Body Image Pity Party
If you’re looking for a pity party, you’ve come to the right place. Come on in and grab a glass of wine. In fact, grab a bottle and tell me exactly why your body sucks.
Columnist Thrifty Tiana: How to Look Sexy AF in Thrift Shop Guy Clothes
Hi, it’s Amy, also known as Thrifty Tiana (@thrifty.tiana), the ultimate plus-size thrifter.
Fashion Freedom for All: Have You Shopped at Universal Standard?
Maybe you’ve had the experience of a slender friend inviting you to go on a fun shopping trip with her, and you’ve felt embarrassed when nothing she suggests comes in your size.
Brrrrring on the Hibernation Sex
Baby, it’s cold outside. Or at least, it is where I am. Perhaps you are sitting poolside in southern Florida or another warm location as you read this; if so, up yours. The rest of us are cold and miserable and we do not like you.