celebrating our bodies
3 Reasons Curves Are Left Out of Fashion Week and Why They’re Dead Wrong!
Why is it so rare to see a woman larger than a size 6 on the runways of New York Fashion Week? We always hear the term “body positivity.” We’re told over and over to embrace our differences. So it goes without saying that world-famous fashion events like NYFW should embody these values in every show they produce, right?
5 Black-Owned, Plus-Size Businesses to Shop for Juneteenth
Supporting black entrepreneurs is a meaningful way to celebrate Juneteenth.
Pink Icing Owner Jheri Hunter Talks about Juneteenth, Freedom and Confidence
What does Juneteenth mean to Pink Icing owner Jheri Hunter? “It means freedom. It really means freedom.”
Red Hot: S.O.P.H.A.T. Plus-Size Burlesque is So Fine
The sultry art of burlesque is for everyone. Just ask dancer LaChina Jones-Kariem, founder of the plus-size burlesque troupe S.O.P.H.A.T.
Influencer Spotlight: Rachel Micheletti
If you ask Rachel Micheletti the meaning of life, she’ll say: “The meaning of life is looking for magic everywhere and making it yourself where there is none.” Photos by Jose Pagan.
Love Resale Shopping? So Do the Thousands of Fans Who Adore The Plus Bus
(And yes, you can hop on the bus online.)
Our Facebook Fans Post Their Best Summer Pics
These are the first thirty pictures that our loyal Facebook fans rushed to post on July 17, 2020! We certainly have a wonderful following of gorgeous women! (Above, Carmen Morales.)
Taking Up Space Outdoors: White Water Rafting
Ashley Manning is a self-proclaimed plus-sized outdoorswoman. From hiking the Appalachian trail to working as a white water river rafting guide, she prefers being outdoors above all else, and she loves changing the perspective of those around her while doing it.
The ABCs of Better Body Image
Just like you learned the ABCs, you can learn to love your body. Not the one you wish you had. This one. The one you are living in today.
Keeping a Body Positive Attitude as a New Plus-Size Model
“You’re so tall. You should definitely model!”