happy plus-size women

5 Ways to Practice Body Love During Social Distancing

5 Ways to Practice Body Love During Social Distancing

No doubt you’ve been practicing social distancing, or maybe even lockdown, for at least a few days. We are all spending more time at home, more time walking past our mirrors, more time alone with our thoughts and insecurities. 

Covid 19 Depression and Anxiety

Letter From the Editor: Struggling with COVID Anxiety? Here’s How One Anxiety Sufferer Copes

I’ve struggled with debilitating anxiety since I was a child. I had my first panic attack at just 5. Fast forward 40 years, and I’ve learned to cope. However, the coping tools I’ve learned are anything but COVID friendly.

Irish Soda Bread Recipe

Make a loaf of Irish ‘Sofa’ Bread this spring!

Yes, we know: It’s really Irish Soda Bread. But once it’s done, we suggest you cut yourself several nice thick pieces, butter then with Irish butter (yes, it’s worth the extra cost!) and sit back on your sofa and enjoy your carbs.

never stop dating your spouse

Never Stop Dating Your Spouse

Married? Go on a date this weekend!

conversations to have on a first date

Some Funny … and Serious … Conversations to Have On a First Date

Got a hot first date?

Seven Tips to Make Spring Closet Decluttering Work

Seven Tips to Make Spring Closet Decluttering Work

You know you have a cute little red dress somewhere, and it would be absolutely perfect for the occasion. It’s … somewhere. You try to shove the yellow sundress and the black pair of pants that are two sizes too small out of the way. No, you don’t want the green sweatshirt. No, not the polka-dotted jumpsuit. Somewhere in this &*$ing closet, there is a red dress! But where?

Tips for At-Home Learning

One Teacher’s Tips for At-Home Learning

Many parents and caregivers have recently found themselves thrust into the role of “teacher.” While some of you have experience with teaching, many of you do not.

Kandis Draw - find your plus-size personal style

Kandis Draw: Saying Goodbye to Your Therapist

Saying goodbye to your therapist can be worse than a breakup. If you’ve ever been in this position, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

social distancing

Curvicality Founder Mary Beth Cooper: 50 Things to Do When You’re Social Distancing

We live in a society where we’re constantly on the go. Concerts, movies, kid activities, sporting events and the list goes on. But what do we do when that all stops?

Society's New Stigma: Picturing Curvy Women with Skinny Guys

Yes, Plenty of Thin Guys Love Plus-Size Chicks

Lots and lots of plus-sized ladies and thin guys are madly in love with each, and vice-versa. Like beauty, love has no size.