radical self-acceptance

Jordan Peterson To Yumi - Sorry. Not beautiful

Mixed-Up YouTube Star Thinks His Opinion About A Gorgeous Plus-Sized Model Matters

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but one famous trouble-maker believes it’s a matter of science — and politics.

Rachel Micheletti

Influencer Spotlight: Rachel Micheletti

If you ask Rachel Micheletti the meaning of life, she’ll say: “The meaning of life is looking for magic everywhere and making it yourself where there is none.” Photos by Jose Pagan.

Saying Goodbye to Unhelpful Thinking About Our Bodies and Lives! - Rachel Micheletti

Rachel Micheletti Column: Shoulda Coulda Woulda: Saying Goodbye to Unhelpful Thinking About Our Bodies (and Lives!) 

The way we think about what happens to us can make all the difference in the conclusions we form.

Back Handed Compliments Are Really Insults - Amanda LaCount

Amanda LaCount Column: Back-Handed Compliments Are Really Insults

It always amazes me when people give me insults veiled as compliments. These “compliments” are given with a smile like we should appreciate what they are saying. I think it is time to educate the world, including close friends and even relatives. Below are a few of my all-time favorites.

stop hating your body

Stop Hating Your Body

Do you need help silencing your inner critic? In a time of selfies and social media, maintaining a positive body image is crucial.

Covid 19 Depression and Anxiety

Letter From the Editor: Struggling with COVID Anxiety? Here’s How One Anxiety Sufferer Copes

I’ve struggled with debilitating anxiety since I was a child. I had my first panic attack at just 5. Fast forward 40 years, and I’ve learned to cope. However, the coping tools I’ve learned are anything but COVID friendly.

Is it time to reinvent yourself

Is It Time to Reinvent Yourself?

From time to time, we all think about reinventing ourselves. Should you do it?

Permission Granted

Rachel Micheletti: Permission Granted: Trust, Achieve, Repeat 

Remember back when we were kids and had a field trip coming up? We would get the requisite permission slip that had to be signed by a parent or guardian.

Does Your Depression Make It Hard to Love Yourself?

Does Your Depression Make It Hard to Love Yourself?

To the women whose depression makes it hard for them to love themselves: I’m talking to you. I understand what you are going through. 

Kandis Draw - find your plus-size personal style

Kandis Draw: Saying Goodbye to Your Therapist

Saying goodbye to your therapist can be worse than a breakup. If you’ve ever been in this position, you know exactly what I’m talking about.