Mixed-Up YouTube Star Thinks His Opinion About A Gorgeous Plus-Sized Model Matters
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but one famous trouble-maker believes it’s a matter of science — and politics.
Hats Off to Old Navy! We Love Their Size-Inclusive BOD EQUALITY Campaign
Old Navy is on a mission that we love: to create a world where all sizes are equal. On Aug. 20, the retail chain will launch BODEQUALITY, a campaign where every size will be offered in all of its women’s styles with zero price difference.
Felanese – Lupus Warrier and Positive Plus-Size Beauty
Welcome to my first official Curvicality column. I’m so glad you’re here! Photo by Jose Pagan.
Yoga is For Every Body — The Making of a Black, Plus-Size Yoga Enthusiast
This is why it matters that black, plus-size women do yoga.
Evelyn Ceballos Column: Depression and Anxiety Give Way to a New State of Mind
I truly can’t pinpoint when my anxiety and depression started, but I was bullied at a very young age and dealt with many insecurities growing up.
Paige Fieldsted Column: How I Ditched the Body Image Struggle and Finally Learned to Love Myself
My story isn’t unique. I grew up as the fat friend, I have always been plus-size, I’ve tried all the diets, done all the workout routines.
Of Vaginas and Tractors, Part II
If you happened to read “When Your Vagina is a Lot like a Tractor” in a previous issue, you might have been wondering … how are things working out for Blanche?
Spring’s Hottest Corona Hairstyles!
We all want to look cute this spring, as we sit in our houses alone and unseen. But we can’t hit the hairdresser, so we have to figure out our spring look without professional help. I’m sure it will go smashingly for all of us, though!
Who Are You Dressing Up For?
And whose opinion about your appearance matters?