Sophia Sinclair
Of Vaginas and Tractors, Part II
If you happened to read “When Your Vagina is a Lot like a Tractor” in a previous issue, you might have been wondering … how are things working out for Blanche?
Oh, Yes, Baby, Just Like That! Communication is All About Feedback
“A little harder. Mmm, like that. Oh God, yes. That’s perfect. Now a little faster. Yeah. I love that.”
Spring’s Hottest Corona Hairstyles!
We all want to look cute this spring, as we sit in our houses alone and unseen. But we can’t hit the hairdresser, so we have to figure out our spring look without professional help. I’m sure it will go smashingly for all of us, though!
Your Humorous Horoscope (I Totally Predicted This Pandemic, You Know)
It was in the stars all along
Who Are You Dressing Up For?
And whose opinion about your appearance matters?
Don’t Get Caught Naked When Working From Home
Maybe you’ve been working from home for quite a while, or maybe you’re still trying to get this whole thing figured out as we make adjustments due to COVID-19. As a seasoned at-home worker, let me help you out.
Is It Time to Reinvent Yourself?
From time to time, we all think about reinventing ourselves. Should you do it?
Make a loaf of Irish ‘Sofa’ Bread this spring!
Yes, we know: It’s really Irish Soda Bread. But once it’s done, we suggest you cut yourself several nice thick pieces, butter then with Irish butter (yes, it’s worth the extra cost!) and sit back on your sofa and enjoy your carbs.
Fat-Shaming Jerks is Still Wrong
There are some truly reprehensible people in the world. Sexual harassers. Irresponsible rabble-rousers. Brutal dictators. Loathsome celebrities. Mean people of all sorts. Some of them are overweight.