Featured Columnists
Making My Big Move During the Covid Chaos
Moving in the Middle of the Pandemic.
Kandis Draw: Saying Goodbye to Your Therapist
Saying goodbye to your therapist can be worse than a breakup. If you’ve ever been in this position, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Rachel Micheletti: Reclaim, Unchain, Reframe … Taking Back Your Power
Think back to the first time another person took the time to make you feel that you were not of value because of your body shape or size. That you had less worth than someone else. That you were not beautiful or important or meaningful. That you didn’t deserve to take up your space.
Ro’Yale Column: The KB Effect – How Kobe Bryant’s Death Changed the World
With the unfortunate passing of Kobe Bryant, there is an emerging spark for acknowledging #girldad relationships and the appreciation of family.
Columnist Paige Fieldsted: What Going All Natural For 7 Days Taught Me
In a world of photo filters, Photoshop and the highlight reel that is social media, we have women convinced we have to do more and more to fit the mold. I took a challenge from one of our readers and decided to step away from the idea of looking “perfect” and to embrace just being me by going all natural for seven days.