March 2020
Make a loaf of Irish ‘Sofa’ Bread this spring!
Yes, we know: It’s really Irish Soda Bread. But once it’s done, we suggest you cut yourself several nice thick pieces, butter then with Irish butter (yes, it’s worth the extra cost!) and sit back on your sofa and enjoy your carbs.
(Self) Love in a Time of Quarantine
WTF. I didn’t know how else to start this, to be honest. In January and February, I was really feeling like things were coming together, like the seeds I had planted and nourished and cared for were all of a sudden blooming. And then March said to the world NOT SO FAST.
Times Have Changed
Here’s Why You Have to Change With Them
Fat-Shaming Jerks is Still Wrong
There are some truly reprehensible people in the world. Sexual harassers. Irresponsible rabble-rousers. Brutal dictators. Loathsome celebrities. Mean people of all sorts. Some of them are overweight.
Remembering the Girl From Up the Street
Sometimes, as moms, we can get stuck in the lives we’ve created. Those created lives, at times, have a way of blinding us to our destiny, even though it has been there all along.
Why I’m Not Ashamed to Tell You That My Husband Helped Me Learn to Love My Body and Heal My Broken Heart
Sometimes, the right partner can make all the difference….
Never Stop Dating Your Spouse
Married? Go on a date this weekend!
Some Funny … and Serious … Conversations to Have On a First Date
Got a hot first date?