March 2020
Looking to Settle Down? You Gotta Shop Around
Men are like houses. When you’re looking at the local real estate ads, every place looks appealing.
The Ten Stupidest Diets Ever
Don’t you envy people who lived in the distant past, who ate whatever was available without thinking too much about it?
Seven Tips to Make Spring Closet Decluttering Work
You know you have a cute little red dress somewhere, and it would be absolutely perfect for the occasion. It’s … somewhere. You try to shove the yellow sundress and the black pair of pants that are two sizes too small out of the way. No, you don’t want the green sweatshirt. No, not the polka-dotted jumpsuit. Somewhere in this &*$ing closet, there is a red dress! But where?
Does Your Depression Make It Hard to Love Yourself?
To the women whose depression makes it hard for them to love themselves: I’m talking to you. I understand what you are going through.
‘Chub Rub’? Here’s What to Do
Whether it’s thigh rash from a long workout or painful breast chafing on a hot summer day, we’ve all had it. Chafing is something that happens to everyone sooner or later, regardless of body type and activity level.
One Teacher’s Tips for At-Home Learning
Many parents and caregivers have recently found themselves thrust into the role of “teacher.” While some of you have experience with teaching, many of you do not.
Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
No. The answer is almost certainly no.
When COVID-19 Affects the Service Industry: How to Give Back
Service workers across the country are facing severe financial challenges. In some states, bars and restaurants are closed altogether. In others, food service is limited to carryout and delivery.
Above: Rhythm Kitchen Music Cafe bartender Ramona Motez working prior to the Coronavirus crisis.
Michelle Teheux: Looking For Reassurance in the Age of COVID-19? Here’s Some.
Every single one of us comes from a long line of survivors. Our ancestors lived through World War II and the Great Depression. Most of us lived through 9-11. We are resilient and strong, so give yourself some credit.