Curvicality Sex, Dating & Relationships - Advice and how-to about plus-size dating, marriage improvement, and intimacy.

Sex, Dating & Relationship Articles

The Curvicality Guide to HIbernation Sex - Curvicality magazine - Sophia Sinclair

Brrrrring on the Hibernation Sex

Baby, it’s cold outside. Or at least, it is where I am. Perhaps you are sitting poolside in southern Florida or another warm location as you read this; if so, up yours. The rest of us are cold and miserable and we do not like you.

Dating Outside Your Type - Sophia Sinclair - Curvicality magazine

Dating Outside Your Type

Do you have a type? If someone were to round up your three last partners, would they appear to be triplets separated at birth? 

how will you ring in the new year? Curvicality Magazine

How Will You Ring In the New Year?

Where will you be when 2020 arrives? Will you be tucked up in flannel pajamas in bed, snoozing, or will you be wearing something glittery and kissing in the new year?