body love
Amanda LaCount Column: Bikinis Are For You, Too!
I recently took a trip to Hawaii and was amazed at how many women of all sizes were wearing two-piece swimsuits.
How I Started As A Plus-Size Model – Q & A With Our Cover Model Sheila Lopez
We wanted to hear the latest from February cover model Sheila Lopez, so we reached out with some questions. Lopez is a rising Latina model and influencer with a keen interest in body positivity and social and economic justice for women in general and women of color in particular. Here’s what she had to say!
How Beauty Pageant Life Has Empowered Me as a Plus-Size Woman
Single mom of two teenagers, formal wear style consultant, former teacher and … plus-size beauty queen?
Body Positive: A Hijacked Movement
Do you feel underrepresented and judged based on your size, race, how you identify or due to a disability? If so, the body positive movement was created for you!