plus-size health and wellness
Yoga is For Every Body — The Making of a Black, Plus-Size Yoga Enthusiast
This is why it matters that black, plus-size women do yoga.
LP: Yes, You Can Get In a Great Workout, Even At Home!
Before you go out and buy something you want but don’t need, take a look at your home and realize it’s already full of exercise equipment in one way shape or form.
Oh, Yes, Baby, Just Like That! Communication is All About Feedback
“A little harder. Mmm, like that. Oh God, yes. That’s perfect. Now a little faster. Yeah. I love that.”
Don’t Get Caught Naked When Working From Home
Maybe you’ve been working from home for quite a while, or maybe you’re still trying to get this whole thing figured out as we make adjustments due to COVID-19. As a seasoned at-home worker, let me help you out.
All the Fluff – Meet Brittany Washington
Brittany Washington is fluffy from head to toe, and proud of it.
Quarantine is a Hairy Problem
Have you seen my hair?
Fat-Shaming Jerks is Still Wrong
There are some truly reprehensible people in the world. Sexual harassers. Irresponsible rabble-rousers. Brutal dictators. Loathsome celebrities. Mean people of all sorts. Some of them are overweight.