
crazy dating stories - Kandis Draw - Curvicality magazine

Columnist Kandis Draw: Dating Chronicles of a Single Woman

Don’t we all have bad dating experiences? Times where you meet a guy, date for a while, think this thing is going somewhere … but it doesn’t? Kinda heartbreaking, right? 

when your vagina is like an old tractor - Curvicality Magazine

When Your Vagina is a Lot Like A Tractor

A friend is beginning a relationship that has all the markings of True Love. She’s been celibate for an extended period of time (there are probably nuns with a more active sex life than she’s had in recent years) and she’s perimenopausal. Thus, she’s afraid that things might not work right down there, if you catch my drift. 

Coupled Life vs. Single Life - Curvicality Magazine

Coupled Life vs. Single Life: Curvicality’s Highly, Highly Scientific Quiz Will Reveal Which is Right For You

Just look at how green that grass is! Yes, that grass over there, on the other side of the fence. Man, that is some green, green grass.

Dating Outside Your Type - Sophia Sinclair - Curvicality magazine

Dating Outside Your Type

Do you have a type? If someone were to round up your three last partners, would they appear to be triplets separated at birth? 

The Selfie Doctors - Sophia Sinclair- Curvicality Magazine

The Selfie Doctors

Hello, class! Welcome to “From Hot Mess to Hot Stuff.” My name is Dr. Dimitra Selfieskaya. I hold a doctorate in Instagramology and I’ll be teaching you today how to make yourself look completely unnatural. 

Your Boobs Have A Point or Two to Make

Your Boobs Have A Point or Two to Make

Hello up there. It’s us, your boobs. We have a couple of points to make. (Our model Is Rachel Micheletti.)

Your Vagaina Is Calling - Sex-related apps -Curvicality Magazine

Your Vagina Is Calling: The Hoo-Ha Apps We Absolutely Must Talk About

When you got your first cell phone, did you think to yourself, “Wow, this is just what my vagina needed?” 

Silliness Is The Secret - Curvicality Magazine

Why Silliness is the Secret to a Happy Marriage

What makes a marriage or long-term relationship happy? Is it hot sex, compatible personalities, good listening skills, shared values, or some invisible mystic factor?


Confessions of a Plus-Size Grocery Cart Judger

What kind of a grocery shopper are you?